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House No: 156, Road-12, Block E, level 9,Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka -1212, Bangladesh Ltd (Trade license no: TRAD/DNCC/045650/2022) is a Bangladeshi born company established in 2021. We are on a journey to reach all the Pourashavas, Municipality & City Corporation with our technology-driven distribution system. Gradually we like to cover all 328 Pourashavas and even beyond to union level with our shops. We will sell primarily IT & mobile accessories directly to consumers fromour retail shops and also through an E-commerce site named “” using the same distribution system. You can directly order from our site and collect your order from your nearest outlet also called “” and save the delivery charge. You also have the option to receive your order at the comfort of your home and pay only 35 Taka ($0.35) delivery charge anywhere in Bangladesh; making it the cheapest delivery charge in the country. We’re able to provide this rate because the infrastructure is the same for both our online and offline distribution which allows us to divide the cost between the two proportionately. We are very proud of our highly qualified professionals and business management systems enabling us to set up a state-of-the-art technological distribution system across the country. Starting from Panchagarh, the most Northern District of Bangladesh to Teknaf, the most Southern District of Bangladesh; we intend to give consumers the confidence to use E-commerce by being visibly available through our locations. We like to share this distribution with other businesses too. Our corporate objectives are centered on our clients using our network and we are committed to excellence in everything we do. Each of our clients is served by a dedicated team complemented by individually customized processes that are integrated and optimized in synergy with our clients‘ internal processes. Thus, maximum satisfaction is guaranteed. We are also a socially responsible company committed to not leave yet another enterprise-driven carbon footprint behind which is why all of our regional and sales managers are using battery driven motorcycles.

Established in 2022
Mostly company-owned real estate
Specialized in Sales Distribution Infrastructure
First E-Commerce site backed up by retail shops
Committed to expanding to a minimum of 1000 shops all over Bangladesh
Highly qualified professionals
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